Monday, April 20, 2009

i love documenting my life on random pieces of paper on my desk

i called my mom today, not just because well, she is my mom and i do love her. and not only to get some business figured out with something wish her a happy holiday. happy 420 i say to big anne. and then she's all confused and i tell her it's marijuana day. and she says "what kind of marijuana? i mean, what happened with marijuana on 4/20?" then i explain it's just a random pot smoking day, no real reason..(i think?)..and she says "oh ok. gosh, never heard of that. must have been after my time."

Saturday, April 11, 2009


80/35, summerfest, minneapolis, pennsylvania. those are the 4 things that will definitely assist in depleting my bank account this summer. dang.
i just ate too much food. boo for feeling like a major fatty.
i love my dress!